We have over 20 years of professional experience in the IT industry.

Software Architecture

Transform your business with our expert software architecture services. From initial consultation to final implementation, we ensure your architecture supports your strategic goals and adapts to future challenges.

Software Engineering

At our company, we bring a passionate and hands-on mentality to every project. Our expert Java software engineering services are designed to drive innovation and deliver results tailored to your business needs.

DevOps Engineering

Streamline your operations and accelerate your development cycle with our professional DevOps engineering services. Our team of dedicated experts brings a hands-on approach to optimize your delivery infrastructure.

Data Engineering

Unlock the potential of your data with our data engineering solutions. We offer reverse engineering, data transformation, interpretation and as well data visualisation.

Tech Stack

We have strong experience in the following technologies:

  • Languages: Java, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript
  • Frameworks: Spring Boot, Anaconda
  • Tools: Linux, Bash, IntelliJ, Git, Jira, Confluence
  • Containers: Docker, Kubernetes
  • Cloud: AWS, Heroku
  • DB: PostgreSQL, MongoDB
  • Testing Frameworks: Junit, Selenium, XRay
  • CI/CD: Jenkins, SonarQube